The DOMOTIC 3.0 app lets you manage your house, at a click.
Do you want to set up the ideal scenario for every circumstance? The DOMOTIC 3.0 app lets you manage your house, at a click featuring a menu rich in functions and intuitive graphic-maps to exploit CAME technology and choose the right scenario for you
Adjust lighting, control the opening and closing of awnings and shutters, set the ideal temperature, and much more, all from your handheld device: now is finally possible
Check the status of all environments, activate scenarios and interact with your home remotely, simply with an app.
CAME provides a Cloud service that allows you to manage all the home automation functions, not only locally, but also remotely, through a simple, secure and highly reliable connection. The system server uses the innovative CAME Connect technology, which ensures the connection of the Domotic Came 3.0 home automation system to the Cloud: in this way, with a few clicks, after downloading the appropriate APP, it will be possible to have it available at any time and in complete safety, the graphic interface of the system.
Navigation takes place through simple function menus or through specially programmed graphic maps that reproduce the images of the various rooms in the house. All the functions foreseen in the system (eg: automation management, thermoregulation, lighting control, opening and closing of blinds or curtains, intrusion detection system control and scenario management) are easily available using the portable device in which the CAME Domotic APP is installed.