CAME and its subsidiary company CAME Parkare return to the spotlight at the PDays (Leopolda Station, Florence, 30-31 May) where they will present solutions representing the new frontier of technology: from the integrated parking management to new ways of conceiving urban mobility services. 

The focus will be on LINCE 7, the next-generation cloud-native multiparking software, which also integrates new services for intermodal mobility, such as EV charging stations and the rental of micromobility vehicles.

CAME will also pay close attention to the evolution of systems with a view to a complete digitisation of the parking experience for both users and operators. All this through tailor-made solutions: from the more traditional ones to those based on ticketless or free flow models, developed ad hoc to meet specific requirements.

Completing the offer is Zero KM Service, the exclusive maintenance service management system based on a new hardware design developed with easily interchangeable internal modular components which can be quickly replaced also by car parking attendants.



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