Dosson (TV)
Those who work in the field of automation and technologies for access control and security must constantly train to keep up with the evolution of technologies and regulations: this is how they can be updated on the news in the sector and always satisfy the requests of more demanding customers.
Continuous and specific training is essential for installers because it allows them to fully exploit the benefits of a technology that evolves faster and faster.
In this way, installation professionals can offer their customers increasingly personalised solutions and functions in line with the specific needs related to contexts and usage habits, thus reducing the time required for interventions.
Moreover, by expanding their portfolio of technological solutions, installers can broaden their customer base and increase their business opportunities.
How to choose installer training courses
The quality of their work and the safety of the places where they install access control systems, alarms, video intercoms, and automatic gates can depend on the training courses the installers follow.
When choosing training courses, installers must consider the following aspects:
> Authority of the institution or company that supplies them
> Completeness of the training proposal
> Effectiveness of teaching methods
> Versatility of the channels through which they offer them.
Today it is very important to combine a quality training course with “smart” solutions that enable the installer to attend engaging lessons in ways that can be easily integrated into a busy work schedule.
The research “How is COVID-19 Changing Learning?” carried out by the Fosway Group, involving L&D (Learning and Development) directors, managers, and learning technology professionals, highlighted the following data:
• 94% had to change their L&D strategy in response to the pandemic
• 71% saw an increase in demand for digital learning.
This relevant change seen in European companies is also evident among installation professionals, who now commonly prefer online professional updating, but also keep attending face-to-face courses.

CAME installer courses on Training Lab
Training Lab is the new training and updating platform developed by CAME.
The website is dedicated to professionals and aims at making all of CAME’s know-how available through a flexible, effective, and simple tool to strengthen personal skills, learn about new products, be updated on regulations, and discover new technologies and methodologies.
CAME Training Lab provides training in 3 different ways:
• Face-to-face courses
• Webinars
• E-learning.
This threefold proposal makes it possible to effectively organise each installer training course, taking advantage of face-to-face lessons and remote teaching.
Training for professionals in several languages
The refresher courses for professionals available on the CAME platform are designed to train installers working in Italy and abroad.
Indeed, in addition to the local projects carried out with the branches, in the Training Lab, installers can find e-learning courses in 4 languages: English, French, German, and Russian.

Examples of CAME training courses
Various training modules are currently available in the CAME Training Lab. We will keep adding others on topics useful to installers and, in general, to professionals who work with solutions and technologies for automation, smart homes, access control, and security.
Examples of CAME Webinars:
• CAME 2022 news (Automation Range)
• Quick and easy access control
Examples of E-learning courses available in the Training Lab:
• AGT: Range of video door entry panels
• GARD GT4 and GT 8: automatic barriers
• Gateway wi-fi & slave module
• ZLX24: control board for 24V gearmotors
As for face-to-face courses, training events are currently scheduled in various cities; the theme is “European regulations and news on CAME automation”.
Learning check
At the end of the courses, both in person and online, the participant can test the understanding of the topics covered through a quiz that verifies the degree of learning and establishes whether further in-depth studies are needed.
This personalised control system allows participants to establish their level of training and, if necessary, resume notions and topics that aren’t clear yet.
The goal is always to train professionals capable of carrying out state-of-the-art installations that comply with all standards and satisfy designers and end customers.
Discover all CAME proposals for installers training: visit CAME Training Lab