Technical data
Dato tecnico |
Power supply (V – 50/60 Hz) |
Power supply to motor (V) |
Absorption (A) |
Power (W) |
Maneuvering time at 90° (s) |
Duty/cycle (%) |
Cycles/Hour |
Thrust (N) |
Operating temperature (°C) |
Motor’s heat protection (°C) |
Activation distance (mm) |
Activation force (N) |
Extra-stroke 250 N (mm) |
Extra-stroke 400 N (mm) |
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Max. number of matchable card |
Combinations |
Radio signal frequency (Mhz) |
Code digits |
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Maximum speed measured at the end of the leaf (m/min) |
Battery capacity (mAh) |
24 V (mA) relay rating |
Max. absorption (mA) |
Absorption while transmitting (mA) |
Stand-by absorption (μA) |
Max. rating of 24 V (A) relay contacts |
Material |
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Protection rating (IP) |
Torque (Nm) |
Rpm speed (turns/min) |
Linear travel (mm) |
Peso sollevato (Kg) |
Limit switch revolutions (revolutions) |
Duration of operation (min) |
Opening time at 180° (s) |
Reduction ratio (i) |
Crown turns (rpm) |
Motor’s heat protection (°C) |
Lunghezza (mm) |
Weight (Kg) |
Package dimensions (mm) |
Weight of packed motor (Kg) |