The main goal of digitisation is to make services and functions used daily by a large part of the population or, contrarily, specific types of users, more efficient.

So let's highlight the problems related to the management of temporary Access Control Systems in hospitality facilities or other collective settings (such as gyms, warehouses, small parking lots, and workplaces) and the technologies that solve them permanently.


Temporary access management: who needs advanced systems and why

One of the main reasons for the need for automated access management in specific environments is the ability to control them remotely without attendant staff or time constraints on those who use them.

In addition, the absence of advanced systems for access to specific locations can be seen by users as a lack of efficiency, causing slowdowns and disruption.

Here are some of the businesses that can seriously benefit from using an access control system:

•    Hotels
•    B&B
•    Gyms, sports facilities, and spas
•    Campsites
•    Parking and rest areas
•    Warehouses
•    Collective workplaces

Every day many people frequent these places, that's why they need a system that simplifies entry and exit operations and makes the environment's use easy for customers and/or employees.

quicke & easy lifestyle

Features of a remote access management software

Today's technologies make it possible to remotely manage access by having total control over every operation and guaranteeing users experiences in line with their expectations.

A state-of-the-art access management software should provide a set of tools to speed up and simplify all operations concerning the management of restricted areas. Here are some examples:

•    control panels with dedicated functions for managers
•    remote diagnostics of problems
•    creation of customized e-mails
•    portal designed to simplify User Experience
•    Cloud technologies

Functions and devices that allow remote action on entry and exit systems from facilities give double benefits:

•    managers save time and money since they don't have to constantly control every access area.
•    customers get instant reservations, quick confirmations, and access to spaces without waiting for the manager to arrive.


CAME Access Management Monitoring: discover the advantages of Quick&Easy Access

Quick&Easy Access is the temporary access management solution designed by CAME for managers of hospitality facilities, private parking lots, and small logistics hubs. Its installation is easier than wired systems and provides a wide range of functions that improve management and monitoring.

Quick&Easy Access provides many benefits for the manager who can:

•    send confirmations to customers in an automatic and personalised way
•    control access permissions
•    remotely manage numeric keypad codes
•    enable remote access at any time

CAME's temporary access solution offers advantages to guests too:

•    they do not have to download any App
•    they receive a simple email confirmation
•    they can access the facility without time limits

Allowing customers to enter and exit without constraints results in an additional benefit for the manager, who proves to be updated and attentive to their comfort.

Easy, intuitive, and fast, the access procedure consists of four steps:
1.    the user receives the automatic e-mail set up by the operator,
2.    sets the PIN,
3.    immediately receives the confirmation,
4.    and opens the entrance using the browser.

In addition, Quick&Easy Access is designed to reduce time and does not require structural interventions to install it. This system makes it more efficient and economical to manage all those facilities that need to be accessible 24/7.


Expand your business potential: discover all the features of the CAME access control system!




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