Sliding Gates

New or already made, designer-made or restored, whatever the characteristics of your slide gate, CAME has a perfectly calibrated answer for your tastes and needs. Our solutions are perfoming, reliable over time.

OUR RANGE OF Sliding Gates


Ideal solution for application on industrial gates.

OUR RANGE OF Sliding Gates


Ideal for fitting onto vary large gates.

Swing Gates

With Came, every swing-gate or pedestrian access-point has a corresponding motor. Even when the closure is already fitted or not designed to fit any operators. Simple to used - the remote control is in your smartphone - reliable and easily customizable in terms of colors, shapes, all of Italian design.

OUR RANGE OF Swing Gates


Below-ground solution suitable for fitting to gates in single homes and apartment buildings.

OUR RANGE OF Swing Gates


Ideal solution for applying to gates in single homes or apartment blocks.

OUR RANGE OF Swing Gates


An ideal solution for applying to smaller sized posts.

Garage Doors

Overhead and sectional garage doors, entrances for vehicles of all sizes. CAME offers specific solutions that adapt to the shape of your garage, to your lifestyle and to your home. With CAME GO you can power the front door with a simple installation job to yield a quick, comfortable, and, always safe, car entrance

Road Barriers

Connected to cutting-edge access control systems, each CAME automatic barrier will identify, store, enable entries or exits, only to authorized staff. To manage the security in your private and business space.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers


A modernly designed barrier, with perfectly blended aesthetics and perfection for any application.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers


Ideal solution for medium to large clearance widths in apartment blocks and industrial facilities.

Related products:

Gard 8

Ideal for industrial facilities and apartment blocks.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers

Gard 12

Ideal solution for special or exceptional clearance widths.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers

Gard 3

Ideal for heavily trafficked entry and exit points.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers


A barrier with a liner design, ideal for blending into any setting, and made of sturdy plate steel.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers

Gard 4

Ideal for heavily trafficked entry and exit points.

OUR RANGE OF Road Barriers


Specific solution for parking facilities with heavy traffic.


For your operators, CAME provides a complete range of radio controls, security devices, flashing lights, receivers and smart systems.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories

Top 868,35

Ideal for fitting in single home settings.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories

TOP Rolling

Double-frequency solutions with unclonable code.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories

TOP - Fixed

Double frequency and fixed code solution.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories


The digital control for all automated operators.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories

Top 433,92

Ideal for fitting in single home settings.

OUR RANGE OF Accessories


Technology to control automated operators from any remote location

Industrial Closures

Smoothly moving shutters with the H4 gearmotor, the operator for doors weighing up to 180 Kg. Modular installation, no extra work; also available in the versions with two motors to increase the pulling force.




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