This recent article in the Telegraph clearly highlights the fact that whilst the government has the right intentions to roll out high speed broadband, the objectives are not going to be met:

“The telecoms sector has “no genuine belief” the government will be able to meet its broadband targets, a parliamentary inquiry has found, despite those targets having been cut just weeks ago.

In its national infrastructure strategy, published in late November, the government announced plans to connect 85% of the country with ultrafast gigabit broadband, which usually requires a fibre-to-the-home connection, by 2025.

That target was a downgrade from a previous goal, affirmed as recently as October, to connect 100% of the country by that date. “There is no genuine belief that it is achievable,” one witness told the DMCS select committee about the nationwide goal.”

However, for Housing providers organisations using KMS SimpleKey Web as it’s communal doors access control solution there will not be any problems.  SimpleKey Web, the leading solution in the UK has been developed to work using superfast broadband with the IP module or 4G with the Sim Card module, which is even 5G ready. This should alleviate any communication issues from site.

With this level of functionality, organisations can provide remote fob administration and communicate to the onsite KMS Digital Notice boards without interrupted service.

To find out more about SimpleKey Web and how it will help ensure you can deliver the highest level of service for your residents, using state of the art technology, please contact us.



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