CAME KMS have always been committed to supporting their local community.

Our vision of being a socially responsible organisation, helps to safeguard society and the planet for future generations as well as uniting us as an organisation in a vision that we can all believe in.

We believe a socially responsible organisation is more productive, resilient to future challenges and can make a positive impact for the:

  • workplace (the people we employ, our clients, supply chain and customers)
  • environment on which we all depend
  • communities where we operate
  • philanthropic agenda

Our CSR policy reflects our values and is be integrated into our business strategy and measurable goals.

We aim to use our particular strengths through our operations and related to our industry.

In order to achieve these goals, we firstly adhere to the CAME Group Code of Ethics and aim to minimise our impact on the environment in everything we do. In addition, we support our staff in delivering help and support to local and national community & charity projects. We are committed to providing adequate resources to measure and minimise our impact and go beyond to leave a positive legacy. We will carry out the necessary training in order to communicate our vision and goals internally to our employees and externally to our clients, supply chain and customers.

This policy and our progress will be reviewed annually by the senior management team and all discussions and actions minuted.

The CAME Group (hereinafter also referred to as the “Group”) consists of companies working in the field of operators for residential and industrial entrances, parking facilities and access control.

In carrying out its mission, the Group operates through the parent company and its subsidiaries, associates or affiliates.

This document (hereinafter referred to as the “Code of Ethics”) has been drawn up with the aim of clearly defining the set of values that the CAME Group recognises, accepts and shares.

The Group promotes a working environment which, inspired by respect, fairness and cooperation, as well as on the basis of experience gained in the areas of expertise, encourages the involvement and assumption of responsibility of employees and collaborators, with regard to the specific objectives to be reached and the ways in which they are pursued.

You may report any issues regarding the Ethics Code or concerning Ex Legislative Decree 231/2001 to the Internal Regulating Body at





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