Statistics can often say what you want them to and can be looked upon with scepticism, but sometimes there are statistics that cannot be disputed.

The latest facts and figures for CAME KMS SimpleKey Web the UK’s number 1 residential access control system are striking.

SimpleKey Web now controls access into over 18,000 multi dwelling buildings through 42,000 communal doors. Incredibly, 2.6 million people are using KMS fobs to access these buildings and the really staggering figure is that in any one week our fobs are used more than 4.5 million times.

One reason SimpleKey Web has been so widely adopted is the functional capability of the system and the ease with which building managers can add and delete fobs for residents and multi door group access for staff and contract fobs. All of this functionality is backed up with state of the art technology and a fantastic KMS customer support team to help out when needed.

Such has been the success, we are now working with many different sectors outside of housing providers including education, supported living and care homes, shared offices and self-storage companies.

It is all well and good us giving you these numbers and information, but don’t just take it from us, read our case studies to see further on how the system is being used across the UK.



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