January is already over and as we move into February, there is a lot to be positive about. With the UK leading the way with the vaccination programme and the lockdown having the right impact on Covid-19 infection rates and spring round the corner, we can start to look forward to a relaxing of restrictions and possibly a more normal way of life.

KMS as a business has always been keen to support the community where it can and over the last few tough months, we have been even more determined to do our bit. Our key focus throughout 2020 was Wycombe Homeless Connection (WHC) and we continue to support them as we move into 2021. During the cold and wet winter months, their work is as important as ever, helping to keep the homeless and potentially homeless with a roof over their heads.

In addition to our work with WHC, we have also been working with our partners to give housing organisations and their residents support when they might not have otherwise received it, like our recent Children’s Christmas Presents donation appeal.

Last month we announced that we had been acquired by CAME UK, meaning as a business we would be able to further enhance our products and services to our customers, plus continuing to work with our chosen charities.

As always we will also be encouraging colleagues with any challenge events they want to take part in. Don’t be surprised if our director Alan Cooney takes on another endurance event or the team come together to complete their next “Tough Mudder” challenge, so watch this space.



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