As we find ourselves in the third lockdown in less than twelve months, many businesses are looking at how to continue to operate and manage the movement of people into and around premises.

Where a building has multiple shared offices, the challenge of providing people access where and when required, plus keeping everyone socially distanced can be difficult. On one side you have staff working to keep the buildings operating, clean and safe, on the other you have employees from each business who leases space in the building. In large, shared office blocks, this can mean thousands of people in a building on any one day.

The CAME KMS SimpleKey Web communal door access control system has instant fob administration from any web enabled device. It is compatible with all existing and new door entry systems & can be installed quickly without any disruption. In addition, it is also possible to set up individual fobs to have access through specific doors at specific times of day, controlling the flow of people in an out of buildings. You can also ensure that every person working in a building only requires one fob to gain access through communal and specific office entry doors as well.

There are a number of benefits of the SimpleKey Web:

  • Pre-programmed fobs saving time and money on administration
  • Activity reports and see real time events remotely
  • IP or 4G connectivity
  • Fully scalable
  • In house continuous hardware and software development
  • Integration with Digital Notice Boards and Building Management compatibility
  • Manufactured in the UK.

To find out more about SimpleKey Web and how it can help your office operate efficiently, please contact us.



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