We would like to inform you of an important change to our payment system. As of 21st July 2022 CAME Entrotec has a new payment account as a result of Group centralisation. 
We kindly ask that you update your systems to ensure that all future payments are paid into the correct CAME Entrotec bank account with the new details below, avoiding any future issues that may arise as a result of the change.

Please check you hold the correct information for CAME Entrotec:

Account Name: Entrotec LTD
Sort Code: 40-32-14
Account Number: 61725394
Bank: HSBC UK Bank PLC

We appreciate that some customers would prefer to receive communications of this nature on official letterhead documentation. This has been made available on the below link.

For any further questions please contact our centralised Accounts team on 0115 921 0430, or alternatively email accounts@entrotec.co.uk



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