The CAME to 5K challenge is well underway and so far we have raised £325 for Wycombe Homeless Connection. Thank you to anyone who has donated or shared this with friends and family and they have supported us. The link to donate to the challenge is So far there are approximately 20 people taking part and we are hoping for a few more before the event.

Here are some words from Liz at Wycombe Homeless Connection about what we are raising money for “The charity provides support such as food parcels, clothes and access to healthcare. During the pandemic the charity also opened a helpline, available 5 days a week, so people can get the advice and help they need more easily. The charity helps people all over Buckinghamshire, not just Wycombe, who are worried they may become homeless because they are building up rent arrears or have been told they may be evicted. The charity aims to prevent people becoming homeless in the first place. With the eviction ban due to end in a couple of weeks, and with the furlough scheme anticipated to end soon as well, the charity are expecting to be busier than ever.”

The training has included running in the recent hot weather and whilst no personal best times were recorded, it was 25C and great training.

There are only 9 weeks to go, which according to Couch to 5k, is the amount of time it takes to go from no exercise to completing a 5k. So for anyone that is thinking about joining the challenge you can download the app. An overview of the program can be found here You’ll be surprised, by just starting with 1 walk/run you suddenly get motivation to do better next time. Don’t believe me try it.

While the event is mainly for CAME staff, if anyone else wants to join in either by taking part or donating all support is welcome.

For more information, please contact us.


About Wycombe Homeless Connection

During the past year the pandemic has change many things in our society, but what has not changed is the need to support those people who are homeless or at risk of being made homeless, the only difference is that this task has become even more challenging.

Wycombe Homeless Connection (WHC) has been working harder than ever to support those in need in Bucks and has managed to expand the services they offer with a new partnership with Aylesbury Homeless Action Group. This partnership means that WHC’s advocacy team have been able to start offering free homelessness prevention legal advice and support to people across the whole of Bucks.

In addition, with the national vaccination programme proceeding well, WHC teamed up with a group of local GPs to run a special COVID vaccination clinic to make sure everyone they support had the chance to get their jab. Without this type of support, the homeless in Bucks will quickly become the “forgotten ones”.

Unfortunately for those they support, despite the vaccination programme and relaxation of restrictions, it has become clear that WHC will not be able to run their mobile shelter in 2022 and this has put further pressure on their already strained resources. They are already planning how to deliver this emergency accommodation and are confident they will be able to, but it is essential that they continue to receive funding from all avenues to be able to achieve this.

A couple of weeks ago we posted about our latest company challenge, to raise £2000 by running or waling 5km in August and it is this type of support and activity that WHC desperately need to ensure they can continue to provide the support for all those who need it in Bucks.

Read the WHC newsletter or if you are thinking of helping them by donating fund or doing a challenge find out more.



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