Three Secured by Design members; two communal doors; one charity giveaway.


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Vulnerable young people in two different parts of the country are now ‘safer and more secure’ in their supported accommodation thanks to their buildings being protected by a new security door, door entry and access control systems, which have been provided and installed following a charity giveaway by three Secured by Design (SBD) member companies.

The complete door entry solutions were donated by F. Bamford (Engineering) Ltd, known in the industry as Bamford Doors, and their partners CAME KMS and CAME Entrotec.

North Wales
The first project is a refuge owned by North Wales Housing for young, single parents facing a future alone with their child. Its tenants receive support to learn skills to live independently and provide for the needs of their child after being referred by their local authority. They are likely to have come from housing where they were vulnerable, such as from abusive ex-partners or family members.

The old communal door to the block of four flats could be opened easily or was left open by visitors – making tenants feel insecure and at risk.

Bamford Doors gave away and installed one of their bespoke aluminium security doorsets. CAME KMS donated the web-based communal door access control system and Entrotec the door entry panel (intercom) and apartment units. Baydale Control Systems provided the labour and commissioned the system.

Angela Croghan, Asset Management Surveyor, said: “The doorset looks very robust and modern and the change is remarkable. The complete access control and door entry system is very easy to administrate by our housing staff and provides security and peace of mind for the young families living there.”

North Wales Housing is a social enterprise scheme providing homes and delivering services to more than 2,500 households across North Wales. They have become a regional market leader in vital areas such as assisting vulnerable people including the homeless and people with drug, alcohol and mental health problems.

North East
The second of the door entry solutions has been provided to a supported living scheme in the North East of England for young people aged 16-21 who are homeless. Most are likely to have endured trauma such as neglect or finding themselves homeless due to family breakdown.

Run by Riverside, a leading provider of social housing as well as services to help people lead more resilient and independent lives, the building’s new door has not only increased security but also has transformed the appearance of its entrance – putting an end to the constant repairs required to the old door, which was no longer fit for purpose. ABCA Systems Limited donated their services to install the door entry element.

Graeme Irwing, Riverside’s Area Manager of Care and Support, said: “We were delighted to be chosen. The new door has completely revived the appearance of the building and improved its security. Together with the amazing work our staff do to help residents turn their lives around, it will help to keep them even safer and more secure.”

Bamford Doors, CAME KMS and CAME Entrotec are all long standing members of SBD.

Alexis Smith, Managing Director of Bamford Doors, who leads on this charitable initiative on behalf of the three companies, said: “We have been thrilled and delighted by the huge response and have been so impressed by the amount of good work going on in communities around the UK. It’s so great to learn what people are doing to help those who are most vulnerable and at risk in our society.”

Hazel Goss, Development Officer, SBD, said: “We are thrilled our member companies are working closely together to help assist members of our communities who are vulnerable and most at risk. It’s has been a joy to learn how this project has developed over the last few months.”

Bamford Doors
Bamford Doors specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of SBD communal solutions, meeting the needs of local authorities, housing associations, builders, private landlords, schools, student accommodation and other public and private sector buildings. They are one of the longest established communal door manufacturers in the UK and were one of the first companies to receive SBD accreditation for a communal door. Bamford Doors has branches in Bristol – serving the South West and Wales, and Milton Keynes – serving the South East of England. They have been an SBD member company since January 2013.

CAME Entrotec
CAME Entrotec are trusted pioneers and leading manufacturers of door entry solutions in UK residential and commercial markets. They are renowned for manufacturing and supplying high quality audio and video vandal resistant door entry, concierge systems and proximity access control systems. Established in 1987 Entrotec have significant experience designing and bringing to market innovative systems tailored to client specific requirements to ensure the security of their property, their people and their communities.

CAME KMS are the UK’s leading supplier of residential access control products and services, predominantly supplying the social housing sector (local authorities and housing associations) and private landlords. The SimpleKey Web system is a unique and innovative access control solution for all multi-user residences with instant fob administration from any web-enabled device.




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